Sydney – SEO Specialist and weekend gardener Kate O’Rourke saw the LinkedIn job position advertised for Senior SEO Specialist, and on a whim decided to apply for it.
“I was constantly, forever, alwasys looking out for the next role, opportunity, career progression. So I saw this post on LinkedIn and decided why not.”
She received a call a few days after submitting the application and an interview was set up for the following week. Mrs. O’Rourke recalls the interview. “I was nervous, uncertain, precarious at first but soon became comfortable when I discussed my knowledge of SEO, search engine optimisation, and search engine optimization.”
The hiring manager, Richard Thurston, said Mrs. O’Rourke’s knowledge of SEO was good, and that her interview was also good, and she seemed to be a good fit for the role. And they needed more people who are good.