Sydney – Racing to get the reports finalised and sent by the 11am deadline was met with a roadblock when Henry came into the office on a Tuesday.
Henry normally comes in on Wednesdays and Fridays, so Juliet was delighted to see him as she comes in on Tuesdays and Thursdays. When she saw him she loudly announced ‘Here comes trouble’ and they hugged and laughed. After a minute of ‘Haven’t seen you in a whiles’ and ‘What’s been happenings?’ it was clear the conversation was nowhere near done.
From leaning on her desk to sitting on it Henry made himself comfortable as he regaled her with tales of the weekend, the trip to Bali he has coming up and how he finally watched the final season of Succession. Juliet quipped that the ending was perfect and that she actually felt sorry for Kendall.
My headphones are on and the white noise is humming but that doesn’t make a difference as Juliet is laughing loudly at everything Henry says and touches his shoulder when she can, which makes our desk shake and breaks my concentration. Next time I’ll book the meeting room well in advance as my dirty glances at them go unnoticed.