Monday, 24 February 2025

Entire Sales team drunk at 3pm

Did they sign the big contract? Are they celebrating hitting all their targets? Or is it just another Friday?

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PERTH – Coming back to the office after an extended team lunch it was clear that the entire Sales team had a good time.

Their manager, Paul ‘Robsy’ Robertson had the corporate p-card out and the group of consummate professionals wasted no time ordering cocktails, with Jen ‘Clarky’ Clarkson double-parking glasses of prosecco. It was unclear what the celebrations were for, but reports indicate that Dan ‘Crooky’ Cruikshank finally got the big contract signed. Others suggest they hit all the targets for the month thanks to Sales Exec Miranda ‘Dicky’ Dickson and the assistance of Tracey ‘Wilko’ Wilkinson.
Resentful staff back in the office note that it may just have been another Friday as this seemed to be a regular occurrence.

The Sales team straggled back into the office at 3pm with Robsy giving Clarky and Crooky permission to log off while Dicky was sending a last email with Wilko CCd before they all reconvened at the pub at 3:30pm to continue what it was they may or may not have been celebrating.

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